Thursday, September 20, 2012

Alms ceremony

Monks at dawn collect alms of rice from kneeling villagers (and some tourists). I had some misinformation and arrived 530am) early and went to the wrong temple complex it became apparent as the sun rose where to go. I honestly thought I had written about this but I cant find it do just skip over if in fact I have already posted this next bit....apparently monks have become ill from eating unsafe or stale food sold to tourists by unscrupulous merchants wanting to make money, so now there is a resistance from the monks to continue with the alms ceremony. However the government (remember this is a communist country although this is one of the few things that makes you realize it is) has told the monks that they have to continue the tourist pageant or risk being replaced with lay people clothed in saffron robes in order to keep up with appearances, and thereby maintain tourist revenue.... Is the communism or capitalism at work?

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