Saturday, August 25, 2012

Amazing value

My hotel "Hanoi Elegance Ruby" is amazing value at $50 which included full breakfast made to order. I forgot how delicious coffee with condensed milk can be. The room is small but very nice and nice bathroom and includes a lap top for guest use. I'm writing about good things because I've just waited one hour by the opera house to be picked up to drive to meet piers. I've given up waiting and am going back to the hotel as there is obviously an problem. Cars, buses Etc can't actually stop there do I obviously did not get all the needed info. The main office of Paradise Cruises does not answer (I just went to the Hilton and they kindly called for me) ... It's Sunday. Below are a few views from my hour at the opera.


  1. Does everyone speak English? I, for one, am glad you have a big strong, heavy helmet! XXOO Liz

  2. You look great after all that traveling! I love the photos. I hope you have now connected with Piers. xo
